Child Safe
Grassroots Cairns, QLD

Grassroots (Connecting People and Places) is a place-based project born out of a collaboration between National Joblink Cairns and Cairns Safer Streets Task Force. The program aims to:
- Provide appropriate training and employment pathway opportunities to the First Nations people and the CALD communities of Mooroobool, Manunda and Manoora in Parks and Gardens
- Encourage community pride, ownership and stewardship of community spaces
- Create an attractive and culturally representative venue as a focus for neighborhood activities that celebrates the diversity of the community and our region
- Enhance employability skills and address non-vocational barriers.
We are currently in week 8 of a 24-week program with participants completing a Certificate II in Horticulture. Engagement has been superb, with the Grassroots team already achieving so much: planting trees at a Regenerative Agriculture project, working in the Green Space Community Garden, excursions to the Botanical Gardens and to the Cairns Esplanade to examine plant profiles.
The team has also been designing the revamp of the outdoor landscape at Mooroobool Hub that celebrates the cultures and values of the community, with totem poles, plant scapes and rock art. The team has been regularly attending their work experience with the local council and learning from experienced professionals.
The course is not even half finished and the team has already achieved so much. By the finish date we plan to renovate the garden around the hub, do more work experience in different locations and hopefully find employment outcomes for as many of the participants as possible.
ParentsNext Leadership Team - Palmerston, NT

The ParentsNext Leadership Team (PLT) is in full swing in NJL’s Northern Territory Palmerston office. They have been working together over the last 12 months, talking about their collective challenges that they were going through, financial, low confidence and digital literacy and presentation within interviews, just naming a few. Together with our Mentors, the group are talking openly about their needs and what support they would like from the ParentsNext program. Undertaking a First Aid certificate was the first activity the PLT would like to organise. The group have also decided that they would like to develop a cooking on a budget cookbook. Compiling recipes that are not only low cost but tasty and healthy, into a book to have available for all parents. They are hoping to start this project in the coming year, so stay tuned for an update.
TtW Explore with Reclink - Launceston, TAS

Transition to Work (TtW) participants and Mentors had the amazing opportunity to undertake Reclink’s Explore Launceston – Youth Adventure, Resilience and Wellbeing Program, which was designed to push personal boundaries, improve health and wellbeing and build resilience. Over the duration of 6 weeks, they participated in adventure challenges including Kayaking, Escape Rooms, Beta Park Rock climbing, Paintball, Self-defense session and Hollybank Treetop adventures. Seven participants attended weekly, trying new skills and gaining new experiences which would have otherwise been out of their reach to experience. Participants built relationships with other organisations such as Youth Justice and Migrant Resource Centre. As the sessions progressed each participant displayed more confidence to try new experiences and to push themselves out of their comfort zone. Since the completion of the program 2 participants have been successful in gaining employment and 2 more have future job interviews organised. Such a fun and wonderful experience for everyone to be involved in and it was amazing to see their smiling happy faces return to the office after each session. A huge thank you to Reclink for giving this opportunity to our TtW participants.
Brand New Adventures - Cairns, QLD

Brand New Adventures started August this year and 12 students are on target to finish early 2023. Students, many under the age of 18, are continuing their successful journey to complete a Certificate II in Tourism and have been exploring the vast opportunities and experiences available in the local region. Some have also engaged in work experience with a few of the biggest tourism companies in Cairns, transferring new skills and building networks for a career pathway. Recently students completed a Reef Magic tour and a visit to the World Heritage Daintree rainforest which included Indigenous cultural experiences such as hunting on traditional grounds under the watchful eye of local Elder mentors from Kuku Yalangi Cultural Habitat Tours. In conjunction with Daintree River Cruises, they went on a crocodile spotting journey through the mangroves which them to gain insights into current tourism market. When the Brand New Adventures team are not walking in forests, snorkeling, observing reef research and mad tourists bungee jumping, they are otherwise focused on completing the Certificate II units to complete their certificate. In addition, the crew have been recording many of the experiences and producing VLOGS – which has assisted the young team in self-reflection, building presentation skills and confidence. The next part of the journey includes starting to identify employment opportunities, with students meeting with potential employers at every step in the program.